Dear Mother Nature.
That was funny. Giving us a dusting of snow this morning, just to remind us who’s in charge.
The calendar may say spring, but only you decide when winter will end.
We understand that fact and we bow down to you.
Now, a couple hours after snow coated the ground under slate gray skies, you are giving us bright blue skies and sunshine, as if to wink and say, “Just kidding.”
We get the joke and we know who is in charge. We will never forget who is in charge.
We are but humble Cape Codders and we so need a change of seasons after this winter that gave us a number of sturdy kicks in the posterior.
We salute your magnificence. We are waving the white flag of surrender.
Please just give us spring.

It’s hard to see the fat snow flakes falling in this picture. It’s easier to see the Island Queen ferry to Martha’s Vineyard in the background, a reminder of summer.
Thank you,
The Staff of Cape Cod Wave
Such an imaginative and eloquent expression of what we all felt! Thank you once again for capturing a universal moment in this Cape Cod Winter of 2015.