FALMOUTH – There is a “pop-up” temporary Dome on the grounds of Highfield Hall & Gardens this summer, and last weekend a Buckminster Fuller scholar and an actor impersonating the late visionary were the special guests at a party to raise money to convert the former Dome Restaurant in Woods Hole into an arts center.
It’s an ambitious project that has been well documented and is making progress towards its goal, said Nicole Goldman, who is leading the effort to save the Dome and turn it into an arts center.
The pop-up Dome was recently built by volunteers, and had inside it a number of informational pieces about Fuller and geodesic domes.
At the party, as you will see in this video, Kurt Przybilla, an inventor, writer, producer, and educator who has created projects inspired by Fuller, talked of Fuller’s background, the Woods Hole Dome, and even Fuller’s design build a domed stadium that would have kept the Brooklyn Dodgers in Brooklyn before they moved to Los Angeles.
Finally, the night featured the very talented actor Andy Dolan transforming into Buckminister Fuller to give us all a lesson that we are on “spaceship Earth” and we better take care of it. Dolan, who we have seen at our favorite Cape theater, the Harbor Stage Company in Wellfleet, gave a compelling performance of Fuller’s important message.
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– A Novel By Brian Tarcy of Cape Cod Wave
“This is a terrific read. Brian Tarcy’s style and sense of humor make it easy reading, while his subject matter is of more importance than most communities realize. If you care about growth in your community and the lack of thoughtful planning, you owe it to yourself to read this thoughtful piece of fiction that is all too real in smaller communities in our country.”