Scenic Slide Shows

Sunset at the Great Sippewissett Marsh, Falmouth – Slideshow

Great Sippewissett Marsh sunset
Written by Brian Tarcy

FALMOUTH – Sunsets are always magical on Cape Cod but when the weather warms up, as it recently has, the experience goes up a level.

And so when we recently walked the Shining Sea Bikeway from Old Dock Road to the Great Sippewissett Marsh at dusk, we were not disappointed.

While the bike path, running from Woods Hole to North Falmouth, has many spectacular stretches, including along Vineyard Sound, the Great Sippewissett Marsh has always been a favorite.

Seeing the sunset over it is a treat. And then, to top the night off, a near full moon was rising behind me on the walk back to Old Dock Road.

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About the author

Brian Tarcy

Brian Tarcy is co-founder of Cape Cod Wave. He is a longtime journalist who has written for the Boston Globe, Boston magazine, the Cape Cod Times and several other publications. He is the author of "YOU CAN'T SELL RIGHT FIELD; A Cape Cod Novel." He is also the author or co-author of more than a dozen mostly non-fiction books, including books with celebrity athletes Cam Neely, Tom Glavine and Joe Theisman. His previous book was, "ALMOST: 12 Electric Months Chasing A Silicon Valley Dream" with Hap Klopp,who created the iconic brand, The North Face.
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Brian is a long-suffering Cleveland Browns fan with a long-running NFL predictions/political satire column connecting weekly world events to the fate of his favorite team, now at

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