EASTHAM – Five musicians walked about ten miles to the Salt Pond Visitor’s Center in Eastham and put on a concert. “We camp and carry all of our equipment, including our instruments, ” said Mark Mandeville, co-founder of Massachusetts Walking Tour, an annual June event supporting arts and culture in towns across Massachusetts.
The idea of a walking tour of musicians was launched by Mandeville and Raianne Richards in 2010. In June, every year, the two, along with a changing cast of musicians each year, walk different parts of the state and put on free concerts. This year, they have come to Cape Cod, said Mandeville, who is from Webster.
They started on June 12 in Truro. They have put on concerts so far in Truro, Wellfleet and Eastham (as seen here). They are scheduled for tonight, June 15, at Nickerson State Park in Brewster. They skip a concert for one night and then they walk to West Barnstable for a concert at the Cape Conservatory on June 17. Their final concert on the Cape, before they continue walking and playing concerts all they way to Swansea, is on June 18 in Sandwich at Shawme Crowell State Forest.

Massachusetts Walking Tour, 2016
L-R Mark, Kiliansky, Amy Alvey, Raianne Richards, Kristen Sykes, and Mark Mandeville
Those participating in Massachusetts Walking Tour 2016, including Mandeville and Richards, are in other bands. This is a unique once-a year event. Mandeville described it as “sort of a traveling variety show, bringing in local artists from each town to perform with us.”
They are funded by “a small stipend from the Massachusetts Cultural Council,” said Mandeville.
This year’s group includes Mark Kilianski, Amy Alvey, Raianne Richards, Kristen Sykes, and Mark Mandeville. Here they are performing an very cool a cappella version of a traditional song, apt for their journey, “Camp A Little While In The Wilderness.”
– If you like Cape Cod music, here is a story that Cape Cod Wave did on the Cape Cod original music scene. We interviewed 20 musicians, four club owners, and two radio deejays – Cape Cod Music And The Joy Of Being Originally Alive
And here is a link to our growing collection of local music stories and videos – MUSIC
These two wonderful musicians have wowed many in Woodstock, CT.. and they are amazing people!! Congratulations to them for their 6th walk!! Great that Cape Cod is hearing them!!