WELLFLEET – The Cape Cod Oldtimers Longboard Surfing Classic began in 1974 as something of an ode to old-school longboard surfing and it has evolved in 2018 into, well, the exact same thing only bigger.
Willie Wipeout was still here with his legendary punch of unknown ingredients.
There were old surfboards, old music, and a stoked camaraderie that exists only at an event like this at a place like this, or maybe heaven.
Edward Gurnett was again behind the microphone, cracking jokes while Mike Houghton, the endless summer leader from Jasper’s Surf Shop was there distributing awards, even while Jasper’s is no longer in business.
There was mung. No one cared.
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Here are our previous stories from the Longboard Classic.
All Cape Cod Wave Surfing Stories
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