WOODS HOLE – One of the coolest villages on Cape Cod or, in fact, the world, was better than cool on Sunday. Woods Hole was glowing in places. Rather than cool, the proper term may be this: chill. Chilly even.
But despite temperatures hovering around 30 degrees, the sun was making for some great images, while the village itself, on a step-by-step tour, proved more colorful than one might expect in late winter.
Even knowing what to expect, we found the unexpected. It’s what we’ve come to expect on Cape Cod.
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– A Novel By Brian Tarcy of Cape Cod Wave
“This is a terrific read. Brian Tarcy’s style and sense of humor make it easy reading, while his subject matter is of more importance than most communities realize. If you care about growth in your community and the lack of thoughtful planning, you owe it to yourself to read this thoughtful piece of fiction that is all too real in smaller communities in our country.”