BOURNE – Each morning I find myself closer to my bed than I am to the east-facing Cape Cod National Seashore, where the best sunrises can be found.
That may be why I am mostly a Cape Cod sunset connoisseur, rather than a sunrise aficionado.
Cape sunsets are spectacular and easily accessible. And I have often wondered who in their right mind would wake up to take pictures of the sunrise when a sunset is so easy to find – and at this time of year sunsets take place practically mid-day.
But this sleepless morning I realized no-one ever accused me of being in my right mind. And so off I went to the Cape Cod Canal. You see, I had another morning epiphany: the Cape Cod Canal is closer to my home in Falmouth than the Cape Cod National Seashore is.
I decided to chase the sunrise at the canal.
While I technically never saw the sun itself rise, I will argue that this reflective vision of the Bourne Bridge more than qualifies as a sunrise. I mean it was. in chronological terms, “sunrise.”
I don’t photograph a lot of Cape Cod sunrises, but this was certainly among the best I’ve ever seen.
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Cape Cod Wave’s Bourne stories.
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