Anne Drowns and Dan Kezer of Newton with their kids Julia and Charlie take a break outside the Brewster Store.
BREWSTER –Anne Drowns and Dave Kezer of Newton had stopped at the Brewster Store with their children Charlie and Julia on a recent Sunday after a weekend on the Cape.
“We always stop at the end of our trip and the kids get a bag of candy. They have a budget: $3,” Drowns said.
Candy is king at the Brewster Store, and on a day with a light drizzle, kids were lining up in front of the candy display, intent on choosing the perfect combination.
To be considered: color, shape, texture, and of course, flavor.
Brewster Store Manager Peyton L. Johnson said, candy tops the list of most popular items at the store. Next comes T-shirts and all matter of other souvenirs.
“It’s been a madhouse,” she said on a recent Sunday. “This is what happens when it rains.”
Near the candy display are several jars filled with rope bracelets.
Johnson said, in terms of popularity, those sailor bracelets are in a category all their own.
You know the ones: made of rope braided, simple and very cool.
“We sell sailor bracelets like they’re going out of style,” Johnson said.
They are popular with boys and girls. “It’s a tradition to come in here and get them,” she said.
The idea behind sailor bracelets, Johnson explained, is “they wear them all summer. They get dirty and shrink, and then at the end of the season, they cut them off.”
That means summer’s over. Just like that.
– Laura M. Reckford