SANDWICH – At the Sandwich Boardwalk, you can’t get there from here. That’s because the boardwalk is closed, and if it was opened it would be called a boardjump, or perhaps a boardleap. The storm has done some damage.
There is salt hay, or marsh grass, strewn on the boardwalk, and a big chunk of the boardwalk almost midway is gone.
Over at Sandy Neck, there was a jagged line cut into the bluff of sand, where the waves did their damage. There were work crews on the beach, and a valley in the dunes where trees grew is now filled with water.
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– A Novel By Brian Tarcy of Cape Cod Wave
“This is a terrific read. Brian Tarcy’s style and sense of humor make it easy reading, while his subject matter is of more importance than most communities realize. If you care about growth in your community and the lack of thoughtful planning, you owe it to yourself to read this thoughtful piece of fiction that is all too real in smaller communities in our country.”