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Making Things Happen; Attorney Bruce Bierhans – A Profile

Bruce Bierhans
Written by Brian Tarcy

WELLFLEET – “Do you know the word, ‘mensch’?” asked Matthew Belson. Belson, the owner of Shellfish Broker LLC in Chatham, was trying to describe attorney Bruce Bierhans.

“It’s a term in Yiddish,” said Belson. It’s high praise, meaning a really good person. Someone who goes above and beyond.”

“To put it in non-Yiddish terms, he’s someone who will give you the shirt off his back,” said Belson. “If you need him, he will be there in a heartbeat.”

Bruce Bierhans

Bruce Bierhans in front of Wellfleet Preservation Hall. CAPE COD WAVE PHOTO

To put it yet another way, here is a list of local non-profit organizations that Bierhans has volunteered his time or expertise to, some as president and others as CEO, board member and/or legal counsel: Wellfleet Preservation Hall, Outer Cape Health Services, Wellfleet Harbor Actors Theater, Payomet Performing Arts Center, Arts Foundation Of Cape Cod, Cape Wellness Collaborative, WOMR, Cape & Islands Physicians Council, and Common Table.

The fact that he is a lawyer makes his help especially beneficial, and his friendly, enthusiastic can-do personality is a force multiplier.

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About the author

Brian Tarcy

Brian Tarcy is co-founder of Cape Cod Wave. He is a longtime journalist who has written for the Boston Globe, Boston magazine, the Cape Cod Times and several other publications. He is the author of "YOU CAN'T SELL RIGHT FIELD; A Cape Cod Novel." He is also the author or co-author of more than a dozen mostly non-fiction books, including books with celebrity athletes Cam Neely, Tom Glavine and Joe Theisman. His previous book was, "ALMOST: 12 Electric Months Chasing A Silicon Valley Dream" with Hap Klopp,who created the iconic brand, The North Face.
For more information, see Briantarcy.com
Brian is a long-suffering Cleveland Browns fan with a long-running NFL predictions/political satire column connecting weekly world events to the fate of his favorite team, now at Whatsgonnahappen.com.

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