MASHPEE – Matt Desmarais has built his own version of Google glasses, and he was sharing them at the Cape Cod Maker Faire, held Saturday at Mashpee High School.
Desmarais, of Sandwich, was also loaning out his airsoft cross-hair military scope that he built himself and incorporated an infrared night light, GPS, and high-definition monocle. “I was researching military technology from the 90s, and I wanted to see if I could imitate that military technology using today’s open source hardware.”

Lochlan Evans, 6, flies a radio-controlled plane through a flight simulator while his father, Paul Evans watches. CAPE COD WAVE PHOTO
“It was a test of my abilities,” he said. “I push myself. I get myself into something I don’t know how to to do, and I figure a way out of it.”
Ingenuity, determination and dedication to craft were just some of the things on display at the fair featuring “almost anything you can make,” said Jim Sullivan, president of the non-profit, Cape Cod Makers.
“Making is just a new term for what’s always been around,” he said. In the past 10 to 15 years, he said, the term came to encompass all sorts of folks who live by the mantra “do it yourself,” or DIY.
On Saturday, more than 40 members had displays set up, said Sullivan. “There is robotics, electronics, we’ve got a broad-band radio club, 3-D printing… DIY deathcare. Make your own coffins,” said Sullivan.
With a large crowd of folks milling about, the makers were happy to show off their wares.
Jonah Wenzel, 14, brought a portable Wi he had converted so he could play any game including Nintendos. “I was bored day and I decided to try it,” he said.
Wenzel said he has gone to the faire other years, but this was his first time bringing something he built. “A lot of kids wanted to play it,” he said.
Sullivan said, “The main purpose is to show what they are making and to share their skills and share their knowledge. Sullivan, who is the software configuration manager for Hydroid, a marine robotics company in Bourne, said, “People help solve each other’s problems.”
And the Barony of Smoking Rocks, a group dedicated to the preservation and recreation of the crafts, arts and experiences of the Middle Ages and Renaissance was also there “sharing what we do with the local community,” said member Linda Meyer.
“It’s a recruiting drive for us,” she said. “People interested in working with their hands and interested in history tend to flock together.”
There was middle-ages sword-fighting outside the school, and even a fencing exhibition in the school auditorium.
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– A Novel By Brian Tarcy of Cape Cod Wave
“This is a terrific read. Brian Tarcy’s style and sense of humor make it easy reading, while his subject matter is of more importance than most communities realize. If you care about growth in your community and the lack of thoughtful planning, you owe it to yourself to read this thoughtful piece of fiction that is all too real in smaller communities in our country.” — YOU CAN’T SELL RIGHT FIELD, A Cape Cod Novel
I enjoyed the refreshing read, as I am getting ready for Maker Week of Learning, I would like to refer back to this article, is that ok?